Services - 3D Printing

Fused Deposition Modeling for 3D Printing


Fused Deposition Modeling(FDM) is a 3D printing technique that utilizes a constant fiber of a thermoplastic material. Fiber is taken care of from an enormous spool through a moving, warmed printer extruder head, and is kept on the developing work. The print head is moved under PC control to characterize the printed shape. Normally the head moves in two measurements to store one flat plane, or layer, at once; or the print head is then moved upward just barely to start another layer. The speed of the extruder head may likewise be controlled to pause and begin testimony and structure an intruder on a plane without hanging or spilling between areas. FDM helps to create good industrial design.

Our Capabilities

  • Speed – Parts delivered with FDM can be prepared in almost no time two or three hours, settling on it probably the quickest decision in 3D printing.
  • Accuracy – FDM printers utilize a thermoplastic fiber that is warmed to a dissolving point and afterward extricated in layers to make a three-dimensional item. 
  • Affordability – The FDM interaction utilizes thermoplastic and earthenware fiber that is reasonably contrasted with the other options. 
  • Ease of Use – FDM printers can make anything planned in a CAD program. Creation is set up on a PC in a simple to-utilize application and is completely constrained by the machine. 
  • Scaling – This adaptation of 3D printing naturally downsizes parts to measure to fit inside a creation space without losing exactness.

Our Expertise

We make items for the Industries, for example,

  • Retail
  • Travel
  • Electric Vehicle
  • Home Appliances
  • Healthcare
  • Entertainment
  • Restaurants
  • Education
  • Automotive
  • Social Networking

Technologies/ Tools/ Techniques

Tools used such as 

  • Polylactide.
  • Rapid Prototyping.
  • Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene.
  • Thermoplastics.
  • Three Dimensional Printing.
  • Extrusion.
  • Selective Laser Sintering.
  • Feedstock.