Services - Engineering

Reverse Engineering and 3D Scanning


To advance continually in the present serious market, you should create groundbreaking thoughts and execute them rapidly in your item. The most ideal choice for you would be to outsource reverse engineering services to an accomplished specialist organization. IEVA is the main figuring out administration organization that can assist you with getting detailed 3D models from actual pieces of any item or gear so you can use them to improvise design while remembering manufacturability and the advancement interaction. We influence the furthest down the line innovations to convey top quality administrations to our customers. Check out our other services here.

reverse engineering

Our Capabilities

  • Adaptable evaluating alternatives to suit your business necessities and financial plan 
  • Effectively versatile administrations and can increase administration prerequisite as and when required 
  • Get exhaustive knowledge into contender’s items 
  • Dissect your items and their parts in detail to build up the most effective improvement plan 
  • Advance the item quality 
  • Create thorough item documentation and modifiable 3D models taking into account current assembling norms 
  • Decrease item improvement cost by building models in advanced arrangement 
  • Limit time-to-advertise with quicker testing of models and advanced improvement measures 
  • Improve the spryness of your association towards market patterns and customer prerequisites 
  • Meet the administrative necessities and patent solicitation accommodation prerequisites for your items 
  • Increment centre around item include upgrade while our gifted assets make the 3D drawings

Our Expertise

We make items for the Industries, for example,

  • tower coolers
  • Tower fans
  • home appliances 
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Medical Devices
  • Dies
  • tools

Technologies/ Tools/ Techniques

Apart from traditional manual geometric designs, we utilize the following techniques to offer cost-effective reverse engineering services to our clients –

  • Non-contact Inspection
  • Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Scanning
  • Portable CMM Scanning
  • Full Contact CMM Scanning
  • 3D Laser Scanning
  • CGI Scanning