Services - Engineering

Laser Cutting


Laser cutting is an innovation that utilizes a laser to cut materials. While commonly utilized for modern assembling applications, it is starting to be utilized by schools, independent companies, and specialists. Laser cutting works by coordinating the yield of a powerful laser most normally through optics. A business laser for cutting materials utilizes a movement control framework to follow a CNC or G-code of the example to be cut onto the material. The engaged laser bar is aimed at the material, which at that point either softens, consumes, disintegrates away, or is passed up a stream of gas, leaving an edge with a top notch surface completion.

laser cutting

Our Capabilities

  • Rapid processing times.
  • Diminished energy utilization and bills – because of more prominent effectiveness. 
  • Greater reliability and performance – no optics to change or adjust and no lights to supplant. 
  • Minimal maintenance.
  • Higher productivity – lower operational costs offer a more noteworthy profit from your investment.

Our Expertise

We make items for the Industries, for example,

  • Retail
  • Travel
  • Electric Vehicle
  • Home Appliances
  • Healthcare
  • Entertainment
  • Restaurants
  • Education
  • Automotive
  • Social Networking

Technologies/ Tools/ Techniques

There are many different  techniques in cutting using lasers, with different types used to cut different materials.

  • Vaporization 
  • Melt and Blow
  • Melt Blow and Burn
  • Thermal Stress Cracking
  • Scribing
  • Cold Cutting
  • Burning Stabilized Laser Cutting.